Between the dim and dusky trees
When somber sunset falls away
A flicker of light from a nearby house
Brings comfort in the waning day
I know that inside old dogs sleep
With slow, grayed, tails thumping on the floor
And late conversations of murmured chatter
Carry on in friendly languor
There might be children sneaking down the stair
To eavesdrop on the grown up speech
Giggling at being out of bed
Before nodding off to dreamy sleep
Later, their parents will find them there
When all the guests have gone away
And take them to their little rooms
Until the sun wakes up the day
But outside the moon is rising high
And I must get to hearth and home
But I have the company of my thoughts
And a window light of my own

And I am instantly trasported to this exact place and time and feeling! This is the wonderful magic gift that great writing invites us into. Thank you!